For businesses with a reputation to maintain, high quality proofreading equals peace of mind. CTS recommends this add-on service for any translated materials that are to be used by third parties such as a publication.
We employ professionals who are highly proficient in global language translation and meticulous at proofreading translations to ensure absolute accuracy. They are a final quality check at the pre-publication stage of electronic and hard copy documents and other content. They don't just check grammar, spelling and punctuation – they look for consistency in usage and presentation, accuracy in text, fluency, images and layout, ensuring that every detail is integrated correctly within the overall, completed design. As with all our multilingual services, our proofreaders will also check for correct usage of localized terminology and consistency.
Our proofreaders draw on skill, knowledge and experience and use care, discipline and judgement in recommending any edits or revisions to achieve the best result possible, while also minimizing any delay and additional cost.
Our proofreading services are particularly useful after the translation of:
- Websites
- Publications
- Brochures
- Books
- Any other material for publication or print.