Since 70 per cent of the world's population doesn't speak English, and nuances and differences in vocabulary even those populations who do, means communicating with your international customer base can be a complex challenge.
Add to that statistics that show more than half of online retail customers only buy from sites that offer information in their own language, then it's vital you get your e-commerce right.
Certified Translation Service can help you to set up your e-commerce structure to optimize its return and ensure that you reach all your potential customers around the world through effective, accurate and localized translation. Some automated translation software uses a crude word-for-word substitution model but our native speaker translations offer complete peace of mind. And with the capability to translate into dozes of different languages, you can streamline your localisation needs with one provider, making it efficient and affordable.
Our native speakers can translate your:
- Web content
- Product descriptions
- Branding
- Online payment methods
- SEO and PPC
- Email marketing
- Social media
- Review and forum feedback
We work with high street, luxury, niche and heritage brands across the whole retail sector.